Procedure Related Questions

If you have specific questions about the procedure preparation prescribed by your doctor, please call our office.

What is a clear liquid diet?

A clear liquid diet provides fluids that leave little residue and are easily absorbed with minimal digestive activity.  This diet is inadequate in all essential nutrients and is recommended only if clear liquids are temporarily needed.  No red or purple liquids should be consumed!

Food Group Foods Allowed Foods to Avoid
Beverages coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, fruit flavored beverages milk, milk based drinks
Meat and Meat Substitutes None All
Vegetables None All
Fruits and Fruit Juices strained fruit juices, such as apple, white grape, and lemonade solid fruit, any fruit juices with unstrained fruit (pulp)
Grains and Starches None All
Soups clear broth or bullion, consomme all other soups
Desserts flavored gelatin, popsicles (no red or purple flavors, no fruit or toppings) all other desserts
Fats None All
Miscellaneous sugar, honey, syrup, clear hard candy, salt All others

